West Chelmsford United Methodist Church
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees now has an e-mail address where you can reach us. If you need to contact the Trustees about a maintenance issue with the church, an idea for sprucing up the church, or an idea for the church’s spring and fall cleanups, you can speak to a member of the Trustees or send an e-mail to
Trustees@wcumc.us  Current Trustees members include:  Adrienne Kieldsing, Dave Wilson, Cathy Order, Beth Arnald, Chris Hoff, Carl Markey, Bob Hill, and Thad Russell

Thank you on behalf of the Trustees, Adrienne Kieldsing – co-chair

 Click here for a PDF of the latest Project List

Save The Date
On November 3 the Board of Trustees will be holding the fall church clean up. While we knocked a lot of repair, maintenance, and improvement projects off our to-do list last spring thanks to your generous help, we have added more to our list since then. We will be publishing a list of jobs we wish to accomplish within the coming months. Hope to see you all there.
Thank you on behalf of the Board of Trustees, Adrienne Kieldsing

A Friendly reminder from the Board of Trustees: When you leave the church or education building please make sure the doors latch behind you. The doors, especially to the education building, have a tendency to close, but not always latch without a little extra help. Thank you