St. Timothy on the Northshore
Thursday, April 25, 2024


"Each one should use whatever gift he has
received to serve others, faithfully administering
God's grace in its various forms."  1 Peter 4:10

At St. Timothy, we believe that "volunteering" is more than just doing a job; it's putting our faith into action.  As each of us responds to the prompting to use our God-given abilities, the entire Body of Christ is strengthened and expanded. 
The Faith in Action Mission Statement
We believe that when a person’s passions, talents, skills, spiritual gifts, and love for Christ are unleashed upon the world the resulting ministry will bring glory to God and further his Kingdom.  Therefore, the Faith in Action Team is committed (1) to helping every believer discover their passions, talents, skills, and spiritual gifts and (2) helping them to use these gifts in hands-on ministry to the world. 
How Can You Put Your Faith into Action?
The Faith In Action Team is ready to help you to discover what God has gifted and called you to do!  You can do this in one of two ways:
  • You can sign up for a one-on-one consultation, or
  • You can register to attend one of our "Spiritual Gifts Workshops" 
Both of these encounters are designed to guide you in the discovery and refinement of your unique gifts.  Once God reveals those gifts to you, we'll assist you in applying your gifts, your talents, and your passions to your special niche in His Kingdom.  Contact for a schedule of upcoming workshops, or to set up your one-on-one consultation.

If you know what your passion and gifts are, simply click on the link below to get involved in one of our many exciting ministry areas.

Below is just a sampling of ministry areas in which you can participate:     
Education - Children, Youth, College-age, Adult
Fellowship - Children, Youth, College-aged, Adult
Music Ministries - Children, Youth, Adult Choir, Hand bells and Orchestra
Worship Ministries - Usher, Communion Steward, Altar Design/Decoration
Welcoming Ministries - Greeting, Home Visits, New Members, Evangelism, Information Desk
Congregational Care Ministries - Deliver meals, Visit others, Prayer Chain, Flower Ministry
Administration - Office volunteer, Data entry, Mailings
Technical- Computer Operations, Audio mixing, Tape copiers,

Find out more by contacting the church office, 626-3307 or email