First United Methodist Church
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Financial News


Please note the following guidelines (IRS Reporting Guidelines) in receiving credit for your year end contributions –

    • Contributions received through the offering and deposited prior to December 31, 2014, will count as 2014 offering.
    • Contributions received through the mail with no later than a December 31, 2014 postmark will count as 2014 offering.
    • Contributions received during December by "prepaid" as a 2014 contribution will be recorded on your 2015 statement and will be applied to your 2015.
    • Contributions mailed to the church with a January postmark will be counted as 2015 giving.
    • Contributions received in January but designated to complete your 2014 pledge will be recorded as 2014 giving, but will be applied to 2014 year end funds for the church.

        PLEASE NOTE: The Church Business Office will be open Monday, December 31st till 5:00 PM.



Please feel free to call Michelle in the church business office (824-8725) if you want to verify the amount due on your General Operating Budget and/or Building Fund pledges for 2014. Please remember that all contributions must be received in the office by 1 p.m. on December 31st, or postmarked December 31, 2014, to be counted as 2014 contributions on your giving statement. (Please see end of year contribution guidelines also in this newsletter.)



The Christian Legacy Committee is offering scholarship opportunities to members and their families seeking post high school education. Scholarship applications are available in the Welcome Center, the Youth Director’s Office, or you can request an application by sending an e-mail to

Programs offering "matching funds" through the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church, as well as other colleges and universities, have scholarship deadlines in February and March. Please be sure to check out the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry website at and click on "loans and scholarships".

The application deadline for the 2015-2016 Scholarship Award(s) is January 30, 2015.  Please turn in forms fully completed, letters of recommendation and other attachments to the Church Business Office by 12 NOON Friday JANUARY 30, 2015.  If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Seibert at or 824-8725 ext. 1028.



Our church participates in a program offered by Vanco Services, to receive your contributions electronically. We can complete an authorization form by which your monthly contribution can be transferred from your bank account to the church’s bank account on a regular basis.

Once you authorize the transfer, your specified donation is electronically transferred directly from your checking or savings account to the church’s account. There is no cost to you for this service, and it can be changed or discontinued at any time. We currently have approximately 35 families using this method of giving. Call or e-mail Silvia for more information.